Day 4


Ignite Your Sleeping Brain Project Day Four

Let’s consider this: If you don’t know where you are going…..any road will get you there. You decide what road you will take. Even if it is just by taking ‘Baby Steps’ Happiness actually comes from a formula in life. It doesn’t just come by wishin’ and hopin’ and dreamin’. It comes from taking specific actions which many of us are resistant to taking. When you become accomplished, amazing goals appear before you that you would never have a hope of reaching if you were still peeking through the door, sticking your toes in the water with your ‘shoulda, coulda, woulda’s and your ‘if only’s’. You can do just about anything for one week. See if you don’t see yourself becoming more hopeful with the changes you see in the clarity of your thinking.
Don’t Give up!! Just ten minutes…..that’s all fingers Add another simple action that forces your brain to accommodate. This is an exercise I do with my violin students. It is something they can do even when not able to walk the 8’s Today we are going to add tapping your thumb to your 1st finger, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th finger.Then do it again.
Continue until this is easy to do. Continue: walk the 8’s and swing your arms from the shoulders (alternating the swinging arms with your feet causing both sides of your brain to vie for dominance) calendar Saturday May 9 2020 10 You can make an 8 just about anywhere – Keep it clear from objects Email me and tell me how you are doing.